Work hard to protect Sanibel
To the editor,
The pressures to overdevelop Sanibel have always been present, ever since the causeway was built. That’s why the city had to incorporate, and that’s why the Sanibel Plan and land development code were written. That plan and code are the reasons Sanibel is special, even unique among the barrier islands of coastal Florida. There will always be special interests who want to chip away at the Sanibel Plan and land development code; with every City Council election, Sanibel voters need to be sure to keep those special interests from gaining control over our island.
Attending many City Council and Planning Commission meetings has given me the opportunity to meet other island residents who care deeply about Sanibel and about upholding its plan and codes. In recent years, I’ve had the privilege to get to know and work with two of these people: David Bath and David Berger. Fortunately for the residents of Sanibel, both Davids are now candidates for City Council. Both Davids have great integrity, and are beholden to no special interest groups other than the voters of Sanibel. Both Davids are extremely well-qualified for the position.
David Bath worked for over 30 years for Procter and Gamble. His team developed new products, a challenge that requires being responsive to consumer needs. He and his wife, Gillian, owned and operated a horse farm and dog kennel in a beautiful area not far from my hometown in Ohio. David Bath will be responsive to voter concerns and will be attuned to protecting Sanibel’s sanctuary character.
David Berger is a cancer surgeon, retired from private practice, who still provides health care to our local veterans. He earned an MBA with emphasis on management and human resources. I believe he, too, will be responsive to voter concerns and will work hard to protect Sanibel, as he did when he recently served on the Sanibel Planning Commission.
Both Davids will work hard to be sure Sanibel remains the special, unique place we have chosen as our home.
I have seen firsthand that both Davids believe in open, honest government, and I believe that they will protect Sanibel’s sanctuary nature and promote fiscal responsibility in our City Hall. That’s why I urge Sanibel citizens to vote for David Bath and David Berger. Do it now – order a mail-in ballot by calling 533-8683. You can either mail it in, or bring it to the polls with you on March 3.
Barbara Joy Cooley