Captiva Demographics
Sanibel-Captiva Island Demographics: as of 1/2008
Island Age 5,000 years (plus/minus)
Island Area
Total acres 11,600
Acres upland 7,930
Acres mangrove 2,800
Island Shore Land 24 miles
Beach Frontage 15 miles
Gulf of Mexico 11 miles
San Carlos Bay 3 miles
Mangrove Frontage 9.0 miles
Intra-coastal Waterway 9′ deep x 100′ wide average
Average Elevation 4 feet above sea level
Maximum Elevation 13 feet above sea level
Annual Precipitation 42 inches
Average Temperature 74 degrees F.
City of Sanibel Founded November 5, 1974
Total Public Roads 80.68 miles
The Sanibel School K – 8 grades
Bike Paths 22.6 miles
Causeway Length 3 miles
Resident Population-estimate 6,272+
Seasonal Population 18,000+
Median Value Housing Unit $480,000
Island Dwelling Capacity 8,248 units
For additional information, we suggest you visit one of the two Island libraries.
The Sanibel Public Library located mid-island on Dunlop Road.
The Captiva Memorial Library is located on Captiva Island.
Sanibel Public Library:
Phone: (239) 472-2483
Hours: Monday & Thursday 9:00am – 8:00pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Captiva Memorial Library:
Phone: (239) 472-2133
Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday Noon – 8:00pm