ABWA to conduct Texas Hold-em Tournament
On Friday, Jan. 29, please attend the Fourth Annual American Business Women Association (ABWA) Texas Hold-em Tournament. This exciting event will be held at the Sanibel Community House, located at 2173 Periwinkle Way.
Registration begins at 4:30 p.m. and the Vegas-style play begins at 5 p.m.
The entry fee is $100, which includes great Texas-style food and two drinks. First prize is valued at $3,000, second place at $750 and third place at $500.
Examples of prizes include an exclusive watch from Lily & Co., gift certificates from Ellington’s, Greenhouse Grill and Thistle Lodge; a three- day stay at ‘Tween Waters Inn; a fitness package from Sanibel Fitness; Adventures in Paradise Sunset Cruise and many other prizes. Blackjack tables will be available also.
The entry fee for blackjack is $10 (which includes food and one drink). Each round will cost $10. Advance registration is available. There is a maximum of 80 players for the tournament.
For registration, questions or information, contact Lisa Newmeyer-Cochrane via e-mail at dorado@myexcel.com or by phone at 472-8875. All proceeds benefit the ABWA Scholarship Fund.