
‘Tween Waters Inn foursome wins 10th Annual Boy Scout Golf Classic

2 min read

The team from ‘Tween Waters Inn took first place at the 10th Annual Boy Scout Golf Classic at Pelican Preserve in Fort Myers. The May 8 tournament benefitted the Boy Scout program here in Southwest Florida.

“The Boy Scouts are funded 100 percent by community donations and events,” said Rick Williams, Golf Classic Chairman. “Fundraising events are important because it helps to pay for the training, facilities, camps and materials needed to run the program. The programs here in the Southwest Florida Council are outstanding.”

Williams explained that the Council now has more than 39,000 youth enrolled in the programs.

“These kids are learning about leadership and how to make good ethical decisions and to care about others in their community… and they just think they are having fun!” he added. “The funds are put to good use.”

Since 1910, the Boy Scouts of America has been the nation’s foremost program of character development and values-based leadership training for youth. The program encourages youth to pursue their special interests, make new friends, develop leadership skills and give back to their community.

Membership in the Boy Scouts of America produces outstanding citizens and future leaders. Past scouts Include Gerald R. Ford, President of the United States; Sam Walton, founder of Wal Mart; Ross Perot, founder of EDS; J.W. Marriott, founder of the Marriott Hotels; Bill Gates Jr., founder of Microsoft; Neil Armstrong, astronaut and first man to walk on the moon; Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York City; Senator Richard Lugar; Stephen Breyer, Supreme Court Justice; Bill Sessions, former Director of the FBI; and Robert Gates, current Secretary of Defense.

For more information on any of the Scouting programs contact the Scout Service Center at 1-800-269-8072 or go to or