
Humphries, Tukey, Triftshauser and Krause win BMGA finale

2 min read

An exciting and enjoyable season under their belts, members of the Beachview Men’s Golf Association rode off in many directions after showering themselves in points.

The final weekend tournament, staged on April 25, was a Very Modified Stableford event, a points tournament that starts with point for a bogey and goes up from there. Idle rumors suggest you get points for finding the course and returning before dark… but that’s not true.

Barry Humphries led the winning team that compiled 165 points (a sub-par trip for each member). Joining him were Jack Tukey, Roger Triftshauser and Al Krause.

The foursome slipped past Rich Rompala, Jay Allen, Jerry Mader and Don Rice, who teamed for a 162. Third place went to Bill Fellows, Dick Croce and Dan Seaward at 157.

Earlier in the week, on April 21, Mark Ryan – the designated driver for Mango, the popcorn cadging pup – won his third straight tournament. He teamed with Bill Sartoris in a Two-Man Shamble for a net 48. A Shamble is an event that starts from the longest drive of a team and then players count their own strokes.

Barry Humphries and Ralph Barton finished a stroke back at 49. The nine-hole prize went to Bill Stell and Bill Blankenship with 27.