U-16 Crocs soccer squad wins 2009 Florida Division 1 State Championship
The U-16 Island Coast Soccer Alliance (Crocs) women’s soccer team won the Florida Youth Soccer Presidents Cup Tournament on March 29 in Merritt Island, Fla.
The “Crocs” had recently won the Southwest Florida regional championship last month. The team competed against other Florida regional champions to earn the right to represent Florida in the Southern United States USYS Region III Championship, scheduled for June 14-16 in South Carolina.
On March 28, the “Crocs” shutout the Region A champion Jensen Beach Fusion, 1-0. Then on Sunday, the “Crocs” followed up with a dominating 5-0 win against the Region B champion Central Brevard Cyclones to capture the championship.
The “Crocs” are composed of soccer players from all areas of Southwest Florida and have players from eight local high schools. The team will now travel to Greer, S.C. in June to compete against 12 other Southeastern State Champions for the chance to continue on to the United States Youth Soccer Presidents National Championship. This will mark the first time in many years that a Southwest Florida women’s team will represent the state of Florida in the Region III President’s southeastern tournament.
Members of the U-16 ISCA “Crocs” include Coach Chris Mathurin, Amber Law, Rebecca Smith, Amy Van Pelt, Devon Klyce, Kady Otzko, Kelly Fuhrman, McKenna DuQuette, Erin Persinger, Kaitlyn Souza, Carrie McDonald, Kelsea Whitaker, Olivia Skaff, Jillian Gutstein and Brittney Stutz.
The team will be seeking sponsors and donations for the trip in June. Look for the girls to be holding car washes and holding a raffle for a “Fun Run” 50-mile trip aournd Sanibel/Captiva in 20 minutes on a 35 foot formula!
For donations or sponsorship information, contact “Croc” team manager Wendy Law at 239-896-6097 or via e-mail at wendylaw1027@embarqmail.com.