
Two groups of golfers share BMGA’s Best 2-of-4 Tournament

2 min read

Wise Florida golf veterans are too experienced to throw a victory party in their war with the links around this time of year.

The fairways are drying out and suddenly your ball bounces and rolls an extra 30 or 40 yards.

“Egads!” the new fellow exclaims. “I must be getting better, or at least stronger.”

A neighbor lady calls the hard fairways the “King Kong Syndrome.”

When the newfound conqueror of the moss gets back to his other home up north, reality will set in. After a few shots down fairways oozing out the residue of the winter snows, suddenly his drives hit the earth and make a big squishing sound, maybe 40 yards closer to the tee than in Florida.

Almost everything north of Chattanooga will be imitating Fargo in the coming weeks as the spring thaws take hold.

But the Beachview Men’s Golf Association stalwarts didn’t let a gift elude them in late March.

In a Best 2-of-4 Tournament held on March 28, two teams tied with net 104 scores. That’s 36 under par on two balls and an average of two birdies on every hole.

Helmut Peters and Jay Allen, from the toughest golf street on Sanibel, led a team that included Cort Meador and Russ Bilgore to the victory after a playoff of 104s. Peters was a dominant factor in the club championship and Allen scorched the member-guest field. Both live just yards away from Jerry Mader, the member-guest winner.

Rich Rompala, the club champion of 2009, and Mader were joined by Dan Keys and a blind partner for their runnerup spot.

John Boynton, Bjorn Olsson, Don Hummel and Rene Lohser had a 109 for the third spot.