Sanibel Little League begins spring season
More than 170 kids are registered for the first year of the post-Muench era of Sanibel Little League. Although we thought we got rid of him, Dick Muench was seen last week calling balls and strikes behind the plate and still telling kids to “Tuck their shirts in!” and “Get off the fence!”
Some highlights from the first week of action include the Astro’s Conner Tomlinson hitting a home run, the Yankees upsetting the Astros, Taylor Waichulis hitting a home run and Marty Harrity getting back up off the ground after doing the “Turtle” with the Tee Ballers.
If you witness a Little Leaguer doing something special, please e-mail me the news so that I can include it in the article. Send the information to
The standings so far are as follows:
Major League Boys
Astros 1-1
Giants 1-1
Yankees 1-1
Major League Girls
Phillies 1-1
Blue Jays 0-0
Dodgers 0-0
Cardinals 0-1
Minor League Boys
Mets 2-0
Red Sox 2-0
Twins 0-2
Orioles 0-2
Minor League Girls
Dodgers 2-0
Cardinals 0-2
Tee Ball
Still working on running the right way around the bases!