20th Annual Jacaranda Charity Golf Tourney benefits F.I.S.H. of Sanibel
On Sunday, Dec. 7, The Dunes Golf and Country Club was the site of the 20th Annual Jacaranda Charity Golf Tournament. The event is sponsored each year by The Jacaranda Restaurant and this year’s charitable organization recipient of the tournament proceeds is F.I.S.H. (Friends In Service Here) of Sanibel.
“The current difficult economic environment and holiday season has significantly driven the needs of some our neighbors here on the islands,” said Patrick Harder, managing partner and tournament organizer. “Helping hands come in all forms, visiting the homebound, providing a hot meal, food from the food pantry or emergency financial assistance, all of these human services are provided by F.I.S.H. of Sanibel at no cost. Since F.I.S.H. relies entirely on the donations from our generous neighbors and local organizations, it made F.I.S.H. an easy choice for us to provide some financial assistance this year.”
Proceeds from the skill events, like “Closest to the Pin” and “The Pro’s Drive,” along with the less-skilled raffle drawing all contributed to the proceeds. F.I.S.H. provided assistance at The Dunes Golf and Country Club from it’s corps of volunteers, which made for a meaningful day for players and volunteers alike. The high participation level of local golfers is an indication of the popularity of this annual event. With a local great cause as the benefactor, hopes are this tournament will continue and grow in the future.
F.I.S.H. and The Jacaranda would like to thank all those local businesses who made donations toward making this a successful event.