
Jones, Maiz to host Secret Signals workshop next month

2 min read

With health issues on everyone’s mind, the new year is a perfect time to explore your relationship with food, stress and weight management.

In an expanded two-day format, on Saturday, Feb. 7 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, Feb. 8 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Gini Jones and Holly Maiz will return to the Sanibel Fitness Center with another Secret Signals workshop. There will also be a follow-up session available on Sunday, Feb. 15 at 4 p.m. The cost for the nine hours of seminar will be $145 and the enrollment will be limited. Membership at the Fitness Center is not required.

The goal of each of the Secret Signals workshops is to provide participants with both subjective and objective knowledge about themselves that can facilitate healthy changes. Investigating the body’s hidden wisdom, participants will:

Experience somatic (body) awareness

Learn the biological, and evolutionary basis of behaviors

Develop the ability to anticipate obstacles to change

Gain tools to consciously challenge habitual behaviors

Understand the relationship of feeding, resting, moving and stress

Relax and have fun!

An additional Seminar investigating fear, worry, anxiety and panic attacks is planned for later in the spring.

Psychotherapists Holly Maiz and Gini Jones bring different but complimentary perspectives to their understanding of what you need to know about your biology and psychology to make successful life-style changes. Before training as psychotherapists, Maiz was a dancer and Jones was a biology teacher. They started creating workshops when they realized how much they could learn from each other and how much fun it could be.

Holly is a body/mind psychotherapist with specialties in addiction, eating disorders and optimal aging. Her Web site is On Sanibel, she teaches both privately and in group settings.

Gini is a licensed clinical psychologist with specialties in health psychology, anxiety and panic disorders. Also trained as a biofeedback therapist, she is in private practice on Sanibel.

For further information, contact Holly at 898-1047 or Gini at 699-4545 or e-mail them at or pick up a brochure at Sanibel Fitness Center, located at the corner of Rabbit Road and Sanibel-Captiva Road. Also e-mail them if your would like to be included in their e-mail list for future events.