

Recipe of the Week: A risotto makeover

Stop all the stirring, put down your wooden spoon and wipe off your brow. It is time to give your “risotto” a makeover. Learn to make risotto using new flavors and trends and the latest cooking methods. Ask anybody about making risotto and they will tell you that the main ingredient in ...

Poetic License: ‘Pantoum of the Vitreous Floater’

(Editor's note: To hear Joe Pacheco's Dec. 23 poetry broadcast, visit https://news.wgcu .org/show/gulf-coast-life-arts-edition-with-john-davis/2021-12-23/sanibel-poetjoe-pacheco-shares-selected-works-from-his-extensive-body-of-poetry.) Stranger floating in my eye, Dancing, prancing side to ...

Sanibel must preserve remaining land

To the editor: Having been coming to Sanibel since I was a young adult and owning an island home for decades, I was pleased to read about a number of land acquisitions by the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation and the “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society-Friends of the Refuge over the ...

Shell Shocked: The day Santa’s reindeer went back on the job

Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Santa’s reindeer ended their strike against Santa Claus and are now back on the job. If you recall, we reported that Santa’s reindeer walked off the job as a protest against their working conditions and relationship with Santa Claus. They had sent a statement ...

In The Garden: Brunfelsia grandiflora is unusual flowering plant

The Brunfelsia grandiflora is a beautiful dense green shrub with blooms in three distinct colors and it reminds me of an old-fashioned cottage garden. It’s rare that we get blooms in the deep violet and light lavender tones in our coastal area, but when you get them together with white blooms ...

Rotary Happenings: Rotarians receive update on banking sector

On Dec. 10, the Sanibel-Captiva Rotary Club meeting started 15 minutes earlier than normal, giving members more time to congregate and share a club favorite, Happy Bucks. This is a time when members give a dollar or two — or more — to be able to share something “happy” that happened to ...