
Turn out the lights, it is nesting season for sea turtles

3 min read

May marks the beginning of sea turtle nesting season on many of Florida’s sandy beaches. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is asking beachfront property owners and beach visitors to help nesting turtles and hatchlings by turning off or shielding lights that are visible from the beach at night.

Sea turtle nesting is starting now on beaches along the Gulf coast, including the Florida Panhandle, as well as the state’s northeast Atlantic coast and from Miami-Dade County south to the Keys. Nesting began earlier in March along Florida’s southeast Atlantic coast from Brevard County south to Broward County.

Florida is a critically important destination for nesting sea turtles. More loggerhead turtles nest here than anywhere else in the continental United States, with 91,451 loggerhead nests counted statewide during the 2018 nesting season. Leatherback and green sea turtles also nest in significant numbers in Florida.

What are the basics of being sea turtle-friendly?

– It’s a sea turtle night, turn off the light: After sundown, turn off any lights not necessary for human safety. Use long wavelength amber LED lamps for lights that must stay lit and shield lights so they are not visible from the beach. Remember to close shades or curtains.

– Sea turtles get lost in the light: On the beach at night, don’t take flash photos or use bright cellphones or flashlights.

– Sea turtles are protected and must be respected: Stay back and give sea turtles space if you see one on the beach at night. Don’t touch a nesting turtle because it may leave the beach without nesting if disturbed. Remember, it is illegal to harm or disturb nesting sea turtles, their nests, eggs or hatchlings.

– Clear the way at the end of the day: Beach furniture, canopies, boats and toys left behind on the sand can become obstacles that block nesting and hatchling turtles. Fill in any holes dug in the sand.

– Keep your distance from nests and hatchlings: Do not handle hatchlings crawling toward the water. Any interference or disturbance by people, such as getting too close or taking flash photos, increases the chances the hatchlings will get confused, go in the wrong direction and not reach the ocean quickly. That makes them vulnerable to dehydration, exhaustion and predators. As with all wildlife, watching from a distance is best.

Buildings and other structures along the beach that need lights for human safety can be lit with long wavelength amber LED bulbs in a downward-directed, well-shielded fixture that is not visible from the beach. The FWC tests lights submitted by manufacturers to see if they meet the “Keep it long (wavelength), Keep it low (lumens and mounting height) and Keep it shielded” requirement. Approved fixtures are less likely to impact nesting or hatchling sea turtles.

The agency maintains a list of the certified wildlife-friendly fixtures so property owners on Florida’s coastlines can easily find options that work for human and sea turtle safety. The list is available at by clicking on “How You Can Conserve,” “Wildlife Lighting” and then “Certified.”

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission works to conserve Florida sea turtles, including coordinating nesting beach survey programs around the state. For more information, visit