Rotary Happenings: Thank you to all for supporting the club’s annual festival
What a beautiful weekend and what a fantastic Sanibel-Captiva Rotary Club Arts & Crafts Festival weekend! Even though Rotary is a non-affiliated religious and political organization, just before festival weekend, there are probably more than a few prays said – that it just doesn’t rain. Actually, I’m not sure if the fair has ever been rained out. So, thanks to whoever oversees the weather up there.
Thank yous are in order for so many, starting with our 2019 festival organizers, Rotarians Scot Congress, Robert Monk, Chet Sadler, Dick Waterhouse, Jack Alexander, Charlie Emerson, Rachael Tritaik, Roger Triftshauser, Roger Grogman, John Carney, Dan Cohen, and the Rotary Sunrise Club of Fort Myers. You all are amazing Rotarians, giving your all for the good of others. Thank you also to all Rotarians who gave so much time toward making this year’s festival the success that it was.
The club also wants to thank: the talented artists and craftsmen, who create such beautiful art pieces that draw attendees to the festival year after year; the Matsumoto family for its generosity in allowing the club to use the artwork of Ikki Matsumoto for the clothing merchandise sold at the festival; the generous sponsors this year, Congress Jewelers, Sunny 106.3, John Grey Painting, Royal Shell Vacations, Sanibel Captiva Trust, Sanibel Captiva Bank and Island Taxi. The club wants to thank all 65 businesses that gave generous support to the club by buying advertising space in the festival guide and to those that purchased advertising banners that were displayed on the walls of The Community House. Thanks also to our silent auction contributors; this aspect of the festival has grown in size over the years and provides a significant contribution to the total proceeds of the fair.
Thank you to the food vendors; this year’s food court was the best ever. Thank you to the in-kind support contributors; these are island and off-island entities that provide services and advertising space to help us promote and produce the fair. Thank you to the Sanibel Boy Scout Troop and the new Rotary-sponsored Interact Club at The Sanibel School for being part of the festival. Your presence does not go unappreciated. And most of all, to all the attendees who came to the fair and supported the Sanibel-Captiva Rotary Club’s major fundraiser of the year.
“Your support of our festival makes it possible for the Sanibel-Captiva Rotary Club to donate tens of thousands of dollars every year to good causes here on Sanibel and around the world,” President John Danner said. “We provide scholarships for college students, wheelchairs for folks who have such a need, food for the hungry and shelter for people who are caught in natural disasters. We support organizations that protect the environment. We work with arts organizations and museums to bring cultural enrichment to the community. And it is made possible by you.”
The festival tallies are not in yet, but this year’s numbers will be strong. The weather was beautiful, the art outstanding, the energy surrounding the festival was exciting, the food was great, and attendance was robust. What a year! Rotarians will take a few months off from planning next year’s festival, but then right back to planning. See you all there! And thank you again for supporting the San-Cap Rotary.
The juried art and craft awards were awarded at the festival on Saturday, but a full listing is not ready for publishing just yet. We can tell you the Rotary Arts & Crafts Festival 2019 Best In Show blue ribbon was awarded to Nicario Jimenez, wood sculpture. Other blue ribbon winners were John Furches, etchings, and Deborah Bryant, wearables.
For information about the Sanibel-Captiva Rotary Club, visit or The club meets every Friday at 7 a.m. at the Dunes Golf and Tennis Club, at 949 Sand Castle Road, Sanibel; visitors are welcome to attend.