Rotary Happenings: Thanks for making Sanibel-Captiva Rotary Club’s 34th Art & Craft Fair one of the best in Southwest Florida
First order of Rotary’s column this week is an enormous shout-out to a group of Rotarians that led the effort toward making the Sanibel-Captiva Rotary Club’s 34th Art & Craft Fair one of the best in Southwest Florida: Scot Congress, Robert Monk, Dick Waterhouse, Charlie Emerson, Chet Sadler, Holli Martin, Jack Alexander, Rachael Tritaik, Roger Grogman, Bill Rahe, Rotary Sunrise Club, and Roger Trifshauser. We are all familiar with the old African proverb that starts this way “It takes a village,” well, in the case of the Rotary Art & Craft Fair, the saying is definitely right on target. Thanks, go out to all San-Cap Rotarians, our club’s Snowbird Rotarians, families and friends for working so hard to make this fair so successful. Thanks to our sponsors, advertisers, and the community. Rotary hats off to every one of you.
Many of the above names are also deeply involved in other organizations both here on the islands and overseas throughout Southwest Florida and along with their volunteer efforts with Rotary find time to support important charitable agencies within our southwest community. Rotarian Roger Trifshauser, U.S. Navy Reserve, Rear Admiral Retired, is a prime example of donating his amazing organizational skills to the Military Officers Association/MOA. As part of MOA, Trifshauser also brought many of these same skills in helping MISSION UNITED of Lee, Hendy Glades and Okeechobee a United Way initiative to support military veterans by creating a comprehensive information and referral program that brings together many nonprofit and government agencies working for and with veterans, active military, and their families to help them navigate through finding the services and resources that fit their particular needs.
Trifshauser invited MISSION UNITED Program Manager Jeremy Gentile, to come speak to our club last week about this United Way 211 information and referral program. On Nov. 18, 2016, United Way launched MISSION UNITED using their 211 program to help military members and their families in need of assistance.
MISSION UNITED is a central information point to help military families. When you dial 2-1-1 a trained information and referral specialist, will assess your needs, then search a comprehensive database of relevant human service agencies. As Gentile explained this is more than just a referral service, MISSION UNITED goes beyond that, it stays on the line and accesses the needs of the caller; the caller is listened to. With over 70 partnering agencies in the United Way family and many more directed government programs for veterans there is a lot of help, but which ones are the right fit for the caller’s needs. Referral specialist are familiar with programs and agencies throughout our community and have ability to directly and quickly contact partnering agencies/stakeholders-advisory committee, including veterans and veteran organizations and make the personal connection for the caller, finding the help needed. Gentile told us, “that in crisis situations, MISSION UNITED will even take charge of warm transfers-personal, direct action to make sure their callers get the help they need within a short time-frame and help solve the crisis.”
Top requested calls are for help with rent, electric bills, food assistance.
(An example of a) 2-1-1 call: veteran has no food, hasn’t eaten for three days, out of financial resources, going to school on GI Bill this semester, but has no financial help from that until school starts, car broke down. MISSION UNITED Volunteer Kevin Boyd bought food for caller and brought it to him. He also arranged for the Harry Chapin Food Bank to deliver food to this caller. MISSION also helped with transportation need.
(Another example of a ) 2-1-1 call: Iraq war vet wife of 14 years just left him, 100 percent disability, has three children, can’t pay bills, no income. MISSION UNITED immediate arrangement for veteran’s program assistance and connected children with help from Big Brothers and Big Sisters organizations for help for children.
(Another example of a ) 2-1-1 call: veteran hours have been reduced, recently been laid off. MISSION UNITED specialist shared information about unemployment benefits, job search options, food stamps, food pantries, mortgage or rent help, utility assistance, free tax preparation, counseling, and other available resources. Connected veteran to help needed.
Calls to 2-1-1 MISSION UNITED are complex and need for assistance is so very necessary.
This United Way program is vital for the health and well-being of our-in-need military men/women and their families. For all of us, this is a give-back program, a thank you for your service program.
The Sanibel Captiva United Way Fundraiser Campaign is now underway, please consider contributing to the campaign by mailing your financial gift to Sanibel Captiva United Way Campaign-P.O. Box 173-Sanibel, FL.
Sanibel-Captiva Rotary meets Friday mornings at 7 a.m., at the Dunes Golf & Tennis Club. Guests always welcomed.