Theater Notes: Live Theater at its Best
Ok, right up front. I’m going to convince you to go to The Herb Strauss Theater
before it’s all sold out every night before it closes on April 21.
How about that I guarantee you will be standing there shouting Bravo with the rest of the audience when the marvelous ensemble cast takes its final bow? Can you take my word that you and your family will not wish you had gone or even been anywhere else on the night you see Over the Tavern?
Well, details. First off the play is brilliantly written. It’s funny and poignant. There are enough one-liners to make you giggle all night, and to make you believe that Tom Dudzick is rightfully called the Catholic Neil Simon. But Dudzick goes deeper and richer to create a rare tenderness to fill your heart while he makes you almost fall out of your seat, laughing. Above all, the trials and tribulations of this fully believable blue-collar family feel as real as a brutal Buffalo winter.
There are four kids in the play, all superbly acted. If you know anything about theater, you can imagine what rehearsals must have been like. The director, a major leaguer named Marc Tumminelli, earns 5 stars for what he did with those kids. And with their parents, and with the indomitable Sister Clarissa.
Over the Tavern is a worthy, totally satisfying last play in a season that has made the Herb Strauss for us locals and every snowbird, tourist and day tripper who has come to paradise, a place to be. I’m giving 6 stars to Justin P. Cowan, Artistic Director and his staff, for bringing us this play and the whole season of such delights!!
You won’t want to miss Over the Tavern. Don’t waste a minute, call the box office at 472-6862 before Sister Clarissa whacks you with her ruler.