
Kiwanis Club members learn about safety from LCSO rep

3 min read

What a special treat this week having a guest speaker from the Sherriff’s Crime Prevention Unit of Lee County. Michelle Sargis educated our fellow brothers about protecting ourselves from crime, potential hazards and, as one Kiwanian (to remain anonymous) asked, “What about falling out of bathtubs?”

In this time of uncertainty, crimes of opportunity are becoming more popular as people will do anything to make a buck (except apply for a job). Sargis made the following points to protect our health and well being:

Always be aware of your surroundings. If the person next to you at the Tuesday breakfast is dozing off, wake him up.

Always use the buddy system. This applies to scuba diving, working around boiling water at the Annual Spaghetti Dinner and getting out of the bathtub.

Have a blueprint of your goals so there are no surprises. Try to look up periodically, though, as you are walking around, so you don’t trip.

Use your cell phone. Keep it charged and program your “In Case of Emergency (I.C.E.)” numbers. Please don’t enter yourself or your buddy as a contact.

Use your FOB button to unlock your car as you approach it. Do not, however, use it when you are too far away from your car or not going to your car.

Look in and under your car before getting into it. You may find an assailant, child or grandchild ready to attack you.

Use a key as a weapon if necessary. If the attacker has a gun, however, go to Plan B on your blueprint.

Use pepper spray only if you know which way the wind is blowing. No pun intended.

At home, don’t open your door for strangers, especially if they are wearing a “Vote For” sticker

Be careful about giving away too much personal information on the Internet, especially if you share an e-mail address with your spouse.

Using these 10 key points will drastically improve your well being, unless you travel off of Sanibel where the crimes are from necessity and not of opportunity. Go to the Lee County Sheriff’s Office Web site – – for more information.

We hope you have these important safety measures memorized prior to attending our 100th anniversary of the Annual Kiwanis Spaghetti Dinner this Saturday, Feb. 28 from 4 to 9 p.m. at the Sanibel Community Association building, located at 1743 Periwinkle Way. See you there!