
City council needs to address traffic

1 min read

To the editor:

A lot of us Sanibel residents are waiting for the city council to do something about the Periwinkle Way traffic problems before the next tourist season. If our councilors are too busy with other things to do what is needed for the people of Sanibel, then they should be willing to give up their seats to those who will take necessary action.

The Hilliard letters to the Island Reporter made the problem clear and even suggested some starting points for the council. Why haven’t the councilors responded?

I am also concerned about the lax attitude about allowing motorized conveyances on the shared use paths. Evidence from other cities show that they can be dangerous and I hope the council won’t sit by until a serious accident happens. It’s so bad that not long ago a tourist, seeing so many motorized conveyances as well as bicycles on the shared use paths, asked if pedestrians were permitted to use the paths.

Steve Sickels
