
Water crisis

2 min read

To the editor:

I am a New Jersey resident that adores Sanibel. I own a condominium there and for the past 10 years have appreciated its lovely beaches, superb fishing and pure blue green waters. Every time we boarded the plane to return home, my wife, and I would lament that we could not vacation longer.

Unfortunately, that is changing; this past February we amended our trip short since the water was a hideous brown color and there was dead fish and dying sea grasses littering the beaches. This preceding June we returned for 10 days of tarpon and snook fishing only to find the same discolored water; for the second time in 10 years we cut our vacation short. Regrettably, for the first time ever, we were contented to leave Sanibel.

A friend of ours in Fort Myers is in observance of the crisis and is updating us on what is trending concerning the water quality situation. He forwarded a declaration (that we signed and forwarded) that is resoundingly strong on what the issues are and the steps needed to initiate the solution. I know the primary election transpires at the end of this month; and that some of the candidates, amazing to me incumbents included, will not endorse, or sign that declaration. I appeal to all of you in Southwest Florida that now is your time to elect officials that will step up, immediately restore, and protect what you are so blessed to have!

John Van Duyne

New Jersey