
COTI should just cool it

2 min read

Dear Editor,

Committee of the Island (COTI) have voiced their disapproval of the recent appointment of a member to the Planning Commission. (Island Reporter, April 27, commentary)

For those of you who may not be familiar with COTI, see the following:

1. It was formed to combat the influence of the Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Realtors, who, according to COTI, have no concern for the well being of the island;

2. Without COTI, Sanibel would have been a small Miami Beach;

3. They are, as determined by IRS, a Political Action Committee. In checking their website you will not be notified of this fact until you request an application for membership;

4. Their present membership is …

COTI’s endorsed candidates did not do well in a past election, and they failed to endorse a candidate in our most recent election. Perhaps Sanibel voters were tired of a select few advising them on what is best for the island. I know it is difficult for COTI not to be recognized as the guiding light for all of us, but elections have consequences.

If COTI is unhappy with our present situation, they have the right, as always, to endorse and elect future City Council candidates who will follow their mandate. In the meantime, perhaps they should cool it.

Dale Armstrong
