One thing you can do
To the editor,
By now you’ve seen the pictures of oil coating the beaches and marshes of Louisiana, once home to abundant wildlife, marine life and plant life – once the lifeblood of the economy of thousands of people. It is now silent. Can anyone possibly still favor drilling off the coast of Florida?
We feel helpless as currents, weather, and corporate executives have control over how much oil might reach our shores but we are not helpless in the effort to ban drilling off Florida’s coasts. We must act quickly and decisively.
Florida Sen. Bill Nelson is calling for the Florida Legislature to go into special session and put a constitutional amendment with a permanent ban on the ballot this fall. He believes this is the best way to make sure drilling isn’t allowed in state waters, which are three to 10 miles off shore.
You can make your voice heard and help build support by going to to sign the petition to support this ban.
Meanwhile, here are two Web sites you can visit to monitor the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and the disaster response that I have found helpful:
Thank you for everything you do to help us in the fight to save our rivers and estuaries. The threats this season will take renewed commitment from all of us.
Michael J. Valiquette
Chairman, PURRE