
Best food drive results ever

2 min read

To the editor,


The results are in and once again Lee County residents met the challenge in record level donations.

Some 445,500 pounds of food was collected in the one day U. S. Postal Service Letter Carrier food drive held Saturday, May 8. That is up 40,000 pounds from the previous year. 

In addition to a record amount of food, $7,820.00 in cash donations were received as well. That converts to $46,920.00 in value with Harry Chapin Food Bank’s ability to purchase $6 in food items for every dollar donated.


All food donated in the drive will be made available to local agencies at no charge by Harry Chapin Food Bank. Other agencies who received food in Lee County include Wake Up America, Pine Island Food Pantry, Lighthouse Sanctuary of Alva, Salvation Army of Labelle, Lehigh Community Services, Interfaith Caregivers and Café of Life.


We would like to thank the community for their generous donations, the community volunteers who helped pick up and sort food, our letter carriers and all employees for the extra effort they make every year in picking up food from mailboxes. It was a great team effort!


Congratulations on the best food drive results of all time!


Anne M. Murray


Fort Myers/Cape Coral