
Other grant sources are available

1 min read

To the editor,

I write this to correct my previous letter (Island Reporter of April 22), where I made an incorrect assumption interpreting a statement made by our City Manager, Judie Zimomra.

The statement was: “The city will now be able to apply for historical preservation grants to assist in the funding of repainting the Sanibel Lighthouse.”

Judie has informed me that there are grants available from sources other than the federal government, such as private foundations, state license plate identifications, etc. This I should have recognized.

My assumption that funds would come from the federal government only was therefore incorrect.

We did discuss the possibility of using a non-profit to solicit funds from our citizens. Perhaps even working with the non-profit of the Historical Village & Museum. There are many potentials to showcase “our” lighthouse, and the use of docents should at least be considered. I am sure that others have thought of this.

Dale Armstrong
