
Time for conciliation, cooperation

2 min read

To the editor,

On March 3, 2009, the people of Sanibel spoke with a commanding voice. Your will was exercised, your votes were counted and finally you put an end to a long and sometimes bitter campaign. To all who believed in me and my campaign, may I say “Thank you.”

Now that the debates are over and the election is past, it is time for conciliation and cooperation. I want to assure everyone on Sanibel that I will work with all of my colleagues on City Council to meet the challenges ahead. I will extend my hand in friendship to all those who participated in this election. This is a critical time in our nation’s history and it is more important than ever for us to come together if we are to be successful in protecting our unique sanctuary island.

As we discovered during the campaign, Sanibel is in a good financial position. This is extremely important as we look towards the difficult economic times to come. We have strong financial experience and leadership on this council.

This council has committed to be vigilant regarding the quality of our water and the conditions of our beaches. We need and will work together to help solve the current commercial development situation just as we did with the condominium build-back ordinance after Hurricane Charley. You, the voters of Sanibel, have shown your confidence in who you trust to handle these challenges. You made this possible by voting us into office for four more years. Again, I thank you.

Going forward, I ask that you to lend your voices and support to programs which will give us all even more transparency in our city government, TV broadcasting and wide citizen participation in City Council and Planning Commission meetings. I ask that the participation be friendly, courteous and reasonable, in the time-honored old Sanibel tradition.

Again, I reach out to all the people of Sanibel. Join with this Council and enable us all to work harmoniously for a united, improved and happy Sanibel, a great place to live.

Marty Harrity

Sanibel City Council