Exercise your rights
To the editor,
At the risk of enduring yet another finger-pointing harangue by Councilperson Peter Pappas (who repeats ad infinitum that he has been here since the founding of the City of Sanibel, as if this accords him Special Citizen Status), I would like to remind readers that on Tuesday, March 10, the Land Development Code subcommittee of the Planning Commission is scheduled to convene at 9:20 a.m.
The agenda is specifically a Continuance of Committee consideration of potential amendments to LDC 86-43. The Committee meeting will focus on the potential establishment of a Floor Area Threshold (square feet of construction) for determining if Planning Commission review of Development Permit Applications is required.
I urge all residents to attend this meeting, voice your opinion during public comment and hear for yourselves the input of Commissioners and your fellow residents. Don’t let others be a filter of information that could directly affect your property values. Our City government encourages citizen input, and the March 10 meeting would be a meaningful time to responsibly exercise your right.
Patty Sprankle