Remember why you came here
To the editor,
I attend meetings of the Planning Commission whenever possible, and have observed Dr. Berger in action for the past two years. He is a highly principled
public servant whose slogan reflects the pleasure so many of us experienced
when we decided to make Sanibel our home. He has conscientiously worked to
preserve the natural environment and to defeat efforts to overdevelop our
island. I was one of many who spoke at City Council in early Jamuary to reppoint Dr. Berger to the Planning Commission and was both surprised and
disappointed when three of the five councilmen denied him – and us – that
opportunity. Hopefully, he can continue to serve us on the Council for the next four years.
As a military veteran, I especially appreciate the surgery he performs at the Veterans Administration facility in Fort Myers two days each week. His medical expertise would be helpful in dealing with threats to our health from polluted water coursing down the Caloosahatchee, from septic effluents in the Gulf and from toxic algae on our beaches. When Dr. Steve Brown served on the Council, he convened a volunteer committee of four physicians – including David Berger – to investigate these hazards and to advise Council
appropriately. I miss the sense of confidence I felt at that time and believe
it’s time now to elect another physician to the City Council.
I support David Berger enthusiastically in his bid for election to serve us on March 3.
Herb Rubin