
Promises made, promises kept

1 min read

To the editor,

Kevin Ruane has served on the City Council for over two years. During that time, he has led the way for the City to attain financial stability, first by recommending that the City remove its investments in the SBA Local Government Pool and also by working with other Council members to strengthen our reserves and reduce expenses.

He has been a leader on environmental protection, working with the city’s natural resources department and other council members to develop a plan for the removal of Red Drift Algae from our beaches. He has supported the improvements to the bike paths along Periwinkle Way and throughout the Island and as President of the Committee for the Sanibel Recreation Center worked to insure that it was completed on time and under budget.

Kevin supports the Sanibel Plan and will continue to work with city staff along with other council member to bring the Land Development Code up to date to insure that increased density and changes in our commercial zoning laws follow the Sanibel Plan.

Promises made, promises kept. What more needs to be said?

Vote to re-elect Kevin Ruane to the City Council on March 3.

John and Betty English
