We must vote ‘NO!’
To the editor,
Some of you may not be aware that there is an extremely important referendum coming up on March 3. This is a seemingly innocent vote about allowing a dog park. It is not. It is more truthfully about allowing development on land purchased and deeded as Wildlife Preserve with your tax dollars.
Do you have property that borders City of Sanibel or SCCF “preserve” land? You probably assume it will never be developed, just as my neighbors on Sanibel Boulevard did. If this referendum passes… beware!
Wildlife Preserve land is sacred, and the City of Sanibel knows that it is illegal to allow development without specific permission from the residents of Sanibel. Once again, we are called to be vigilant and protect the Sanibel Land Use Plan from the desires of a special interest group. We must vote “NO!”
I love dogs. I don’t object to a dog park. Not on Wildlife Preserve Land. Once this dangerous precedent is established, what will be next?
Molly Heuer