Vote for Kevin Ruane
To the editor,
Kevin Ruane deserves a full term on City Council.
Kevin is by far the most knowledgeable candidate we have running in this year’s election regarding City Council matters. He has spent hours working on sub-committees for the Council to help our city through some tough times. He has gone to Tallahassee to get additional funds from the state to help with our budget. He understands what it takes to work within a budget, and he has plans to do that again without raising our mileage rate. He understands how important it is keep our Land Development Code the way it is to protect our environment and island. He understands that protection of our sanctuary island does not preclude protection of our property values. He spearheaded finding solutions to the red algae problem along the beaches.
Kevin was picked by his peers to act as Vice Mayor of the island. He also understands what it is like to live on the island full time. He volunteers his time for the Sanibel School Fund, the recently-built Recreation Center project, youth football, basketball and baseball. He donates to several local charities on a regular basis. He is a good person, husband, father and friend. And he does this all for our community for no pay.
If you have any questions or concerns about the city, call him. He will take the time to talk to you. If you love Sanibel the way it is, vote for Kevin Ruane.
Eric Pfeifer