An honorable man
To the editor,
It is painfully evident that future ad valorem tax revenue will continue to decline for Sanibel as it will for all communities in Southwest Florida. Impending revenue reductions will absolutely demand painful choices of our city government and I want a council that is experienced making these difficult cuts, conversant with our current circumstance and proven capable of determining where sacrifices can best be made with the least disruption of services and lives.
Kevin Ruane has distinguished himself as a fiscally responsible leader on our current council and I wish to see him continue his service to our community on the next council, and thus my endorsement of his candidacy for re-election.
One could heartily endorse Kevin for his work on this year’s budget alone, but he has contributed so much more. Consider:
n Kevin’s urging guided Sanibel to liquidate $27,000,000 in investments in the SBA local government pool saving our entire investment while other communities slower to act lost millions.
n Kevin’s leadership helped Sanibel adopt a proactive plan to remove red drift algae from our beaches should the scourge ever return. Remember those mounds of stinking decay and know that your city government had no contingency to deal with the problem before Kevin’s election to council.
I know Kevin to be an honorable man, reliable friend and absolutely dedicated to the welfare of my home, Sanibel Island.
David A. Wright