
Correction to quote

2 min read

To the editor,

The quote in the Island Reporter that was attributed to me during the Dec. 9 Land Development Code meeting was not accurate. What I said was that there are events that happen in our modern times that could not have been foreseen by the drafters of our LDC, and it is my understanding that after much public discussion and input, the Planning Commission is charged to make LDC update recommendations for City Council’s discussion and approval when it is in the best interests of Sanibel for any variety of reasons. My understanding was confirmed by our Planning Director, Bob Duffy. I did not use the word “industry” at any time during the LDC discussion and I did listen to the entire meeting on CD.

More distressing than this misquote, though, is the attitude of public comments at yesterday’s City Council meeting regarding applicants for the two Planning Commission seats that are to be filled at the beginning of January. Once again it is insinuated that real estate agents and their ilk are somehow by their very nature nefarious and subversive to the Sanibel Plan and cannot be trusted in any position of civic responsibility. Saying it with a civil and measured tone does not make it any less cynical. These comments are so irrelevant as to be truly “yesterday.”

Patty Sprankle
