
Enforce speed limits on paths

2 min read

To the editor:

While Kim Whitt wrote in her letter published in the Jan. 29, 2025, issue of the Island Reporter, that she enjoys her long walks on the paved pathways, there are many of us who are elderly, disabled or don’t have stamina for long walks and traditional bikes.

For us, electric bikes are game changers that allow us to ride slowly around the island daily for exercise, nature watching or pleasure. Electric bikes are clean energy, keeps us off the crowded roadways and give us the freedom to enjoy our island.

Some people on electric bikes go too fast or are rude, but so are many people riding traditional bikes. Traditional bikes often go way too fast and are rude. Sanibel now has some speed limits to the paved pathways up to 15 mph, which is pretty fast. I have not observed one elderly person driving at excessive speeds, it’s almost the young.

We, the elderly and disabled, go very slowly, are polite and thoughtful. Now Sanibel wants to discriminate against disabled and elderly and force them onto the street, into traffic. I can just see my post stroke husband on his tricycle peddling down the roadways.

The answer is simple. Enforce the speed limits on the pathways for all.

Stop discriminating or harassing the rest of us, when electric bikes are our essential, quiet, clean way of mobility.

Sanibel allows 400-600 horsepower trucks with the capacity to drive 60-70 mph on roadways. It doesn’t ban the trucks, but regulates and enforces the speed limits. Electric bikes are less than 1 horsepower. Just regulate and enforce the bike path speed limits and issue citations to anyone driving recklessly, no matter what type of bike.

Sandy Glass
