
Herbert E. Becke Jr

Herbert E. Becke Jr. passed away on June 7th, 2016, just a few hrs. after the 75th anniversary of D day. Herb was involved in the 2nd wave of Army infantry that landed in Normandy. He was seriously wounded just a few days later. He never let his injury get in the way of his love for life.

He moved to Sanibel Island 28 yrs ago, where he built his home with his wife Joan. Dad loved gardening and soon their yard hosted an abundance of fruit trees, flowering shrubs and towering Royal Palm trees. Family and friends loved visiting, listening to Dads latest rock and roll music, road trips to the keys, dodging alligators, raccoons and iguanas in the back yard. Dad always had one or two hilarious stories to tell around the dinner table or back porch overlooking the pond. He was well known at Jerrys where he and Joan frequented for dinner as well as many other local spots for an evening meal. They ate out every night. As he grew elderly, he became softer and more gentle at heart. We will miss his voice, his enthusiastic presence and his positive disposition. You will always be in our hearts.

Burial services will take place at Arlington National Cemetery on Wednesday, September 7th.