Fertilizer restrictions begin June 1
The City of Cape Coral’s fertilizer ordinance regulates the application of fertilizer. Beginning June 1, the use of fertilizers is restricted in the city.
This regulation was enacted to keep harmful nutrients found in fertilizer from washing off from lawns into storm drains during the rainy months. These nutrients impact the city’s canals and surrounding waters, leading to poor water quality and algal blooms. The fertilizer restrictions apply to citizens and commercial lawn services.
Here are the key points of the fertilizer ordinance:
No fertilizer use is permitted between June 1 and Sept. 30.
No fertilizer use is allowed of any kind if a storm watch or warning is in effect.
No fertilizers can be used within 10 feet of any body of water measured from the top of a seawall.
The percentage of slow-release nitrogen content in any fertilizer used during the remainder of the year (January-May and October-December) must be at least 50 percent.
No grass clippings or vegetative debris may be swept or blown into stormwater drains, conveyances, bodies of waters, sidewalks or roadways.
The City’s fertilizer ordinance was adopted in 2010.
Source: City of Cape Coral