Lee DOT contractor to work under Del Prado Boulevard Bridge
A contractor working for the Lee County Department of Transportation will begin work to address erosion on the Malaga Canal under Del Prado Boulevard Bridge beginning Wednesday, May 1.
The Malaga Canal is located just north of, and runs parallel to, Cape Coral Parkway, between Southeast 46th Lane and Southeast 46th Street.
The work will not affect Del Prado Boulevard motorists. However, boaters will have regulated passage from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays until work is completed in mid-July. Boaters will be allowed to pass every hour on the hour; the county will adjust the schedule if marine congestion occurs.
The project will require divers working underwater to perform channel maintenance. Turbidity curtains will be installed to prevent sediment from escaping the work area. For each opening to boat traffic, the curtains will have to be removed to allow them to pass.
DOT will post signs before the project starts informing boaters of the canal maintenance and regulated travel. Del Prado Boulevard is a county-maintained street. Work is commencing Wednesday because all necessary permits are now received and the height of tourist season has concluded.
Boaters with questions can call Lee County DOT Operations at 239-533-9400. For more information about Lee DOT, visit www.leegov.com/dot