Lee County creates ‘landing page’ for limerock mining issue
Lee County has created a landing page “devoted to providing clear, accurate information about the limerock mining issue and proposed changes to the Lee County Comprehensive Plan.”
The landing page provides an overview, an FAQ and a link to join a county mailing list for future updates. There is also a link people can click on to ask staff questions. The landing page URL is www.leegov.com/dcd/planning/miningamendments.
“The proposed changes to the Lee County Comprehensive Plan do not decrease protection to the public, to water quality, to water supply or to wildlife,” county officials said in a release issued Tuesday. “The proposed changes do not allow for expansion of the area in which mining can occur. The changes maintain the requirement for public input.”
The issue called Limerock Mining case (CPA2018-10014) is scheduled to come before the Lee Board of County Commissioners at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 17, in Commission Chambers at the Old Courthouse, 2120 Main St., Fort Myers.
Source: Lee County government