
Holistic Chamber to hold Health & Wellness Faire this Saturday

5 min read

Trying to take a more natural approach when it comes to lifestyle choices?

This Saturday, the Holistic Chamber of Commerce of SWFL will hold its inaugural Health & Wellness Faire at The Crowne Plaza in Fort Myers from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The HCCSWFL launched just about a year ago, with the Cape Coral chapter becoming the fastest growing chapter in the organization’s national (and Canada’s) 10-year-old history.

The Cape Coral, Fort Myers and Naples chapter all fall under the HCCSWFL banner, with then-Cape resident Lainie Sevante’ Wulkan spearheading all three movements.

“The goal of the first-ever Holistic Chamber of Commerce of SWFL’s Health & Wellness Faire is to showcase the many members that are part of our three Cape Coral, Fort Myers and Naples’ Chapters,” said Wulkan, who serves as president for the aforementioned networks. “With the greater mainstream interest in natural healing methods, modalities and complementary options in natural medicine, as well as lifestyle choices for one’s home and environment, the fair will offer attendees a chance to experience what our members have to offer in health and wellness – mind, body and spirit.”

This interactive event will highlight the holistic outlets people may not have known were at their fingertips, as well as provide insight to their practices, called “Power Panels.”

These will be classes made up of panelists who have an expertise in areas such as “Aging Vibrantly,” “Natural & Health & Beauty,” “Mindful Meditation and Spirituality,” “Food as Medicine” and “Effective Weight Loss Solutions.”

“People should come out to explore new ways to live longer and more vibrantly. Knowledge is power, and our members will be offering everything from new ways to move your body and get more energy into it to back to back panels on topics that might just be the solution to what someone is looking for,” said Wulkan. “This is a perfect way to try a service that just may change one’s life. We’ll have 30-member exhibitors in a variety of disciplines. I’m certain there will be something for everyone including a fine art exhibit raising money for Music 2 Heal the Earth, a planetary mindfulness music project for climate change and environmental awareness.”

The day will also feature yoga, Qigong and Muscle Tuners International Inc.

Attendees will be able to learn first hand, from experts, the practices they preach and the methodology behind why.

“People read about how we should read the food or makeup labels better. Doctors share how meditation reduces stress, but where does one start? We’ll be answering may of these questions to those who attend our panels that are made up of very esteemed businesses in the community that have been practicing their specialties for a long time and have helped many others achieve success in their health and wellness goals,” said Wulkan.

All involved are members of the Holistic Chamber of Commerce chapters.

Plant-based food demonstrations will be put on. Lunch from Hope Clubhouse is available, as well as organic meals and juices from Mindful Meals and Irene’s Dream Juice Bar.

Admission is $5 for the day, and includes the power panels, exhibit hall and movement classes. The first 500 people will receive a HCC tote bag with discounts and offerings from the HCCSWFL.

Wulkan said that she was surprised at the response from businesses when putting together the HCCSWFL – which started in Cape Coral, as it became the fastest-growing chapter of HCC in the U.S. and Canada.

“We believe the Southwest Florida community is looking for additional ways to live well and longer,” she said. “As it turns out, there is a massive conscious community of people here that are massage therapists, chiropractors, hypnotherapists, Reiki masters, spa owners, acupuncturists, psychotherapists, nutrition and wellness coaches, Natural Pet Care providers, CBD businesses and healers to name only a few of our member’s professions. These businesses are here and doing well because Cape Coral residents want theses services but didn’t have, until now, a true hub where people connect live or where to find these professionals.”

Similar to your standard Chamber of Commerce, the HCCSWFL provides all of the same opportunities for businesses and provides information to people looking for holistic practitioners, so that they may be served by a local business.

“It’s important to continue growing our organization as new fields of study become popular and to have a network/hub where Holistic Providers can connect and network with one another and build their businesses,” Wulkan said. “Since we opened the doors last June, we’ve had continuous inquiries on finding practitioners and services that are more naturally health oriented. From non toxic pest control to past life regression therapy to natural therapies for animals, we get it all and are proud that we have members who can serve those needs. This faire is just one of the ways we let the community see what we’re all about.”

The HCCSWFL meets four times a month, one in each city of Cape Coral, Fort Myers and Naples, as well as one tri-city virtual call.

Membership information can be found at

The Crowne Plaza at Bell Tower Shops is at 13051 Bell Tower Drive, Fort Myers.

-Connect with this reporter on Twitter: @haddad_cj