
First Triton Cornhole Tournament to be held Friday

2 min read

The first annual Triton Cornhole Tournament, which is open to the community, is taking place this Friday to help raise money for the Silver Magic Marching Band of Mariner High School.

“The band is raising funds to repair and replace old instruments that are in dire need of service,” Triton band director Thomas Dubbert said, adding that some of the instruments are older than he is … “I’m 31 years old.”

The tournament will be held from 5:30-8 p.m., Friday, April 12, at Mariner High School, 701 Chiquita Blvd. N. There is a $20 entry fee per a two-member team with no limit of teams. Registra-tion can be done by signing up in the band room, emailing Dubbert at or 15 minutes before the tournament starts Friday.

“The tournament came about from a conversation about games I played in Ohio when I was younger,” Dubbert said. “Cornhole is a great football season game in the Midwest. You can’t drive five miles without passing someone selling cornhole sets on the side of the road. My uncle builds them with special custom additions for his friends and coworkers in Ohio. The game is everywhere. There are a lot of faculty members at Mariner High School from the Midwest and I thought it would be great to have a tournament playing a game we all love.”

In addition to the tournament, there will be some side challenges — long toss, trick shots and airmail, taking place. A deejay will provide music and food will be for sale.

“Winner of the tournament goes home with a custom Mariner High School cornhole set,” Dubbert said. “This is our first year hosting this event and we are looking to turn it into an annual event.”

The Silver Magic Marching Band began in 1987 and has been a staple ensemble in the community and around the state since. He said the program has won numerous classifications and regional championships in the past few years, as well as receiving a superior rating at their marching assessment four out of the last five years.

“The program performs at all home and away football games, area parades, including the Edison of Lights Parade and Naples St. Patrick’s parade,” Dubbert said. “The band also competes around the state traveling from areas like Naples to Tampa to Orlando for competitions.”