
Council to consider smaller zoning, land use changes Monday

3 min read

With all the debate over the last month regarding proposed citywide zoning and land-use changes, Cape Coral City Council will return to doing rather routine work of that type on Monday.

The city will consider two ordinances. One would rezone property at 1514 S.E. 4th Street from single family to professional office.

The other would amend the Future Land Use Map from Single-Family Residential (SF) to Multi-Family Residential (MF) for property located at 1632 – 1640 SE 46th Street.

The first ordinance deals with undeveloped 20,604- square-foot parcel.

The request was analyzed by staff which said there were no objections or negative issues identified and that the rezone is consistent with two policies of the Future Land Use Element.

The site is on a local street and lacks full block depth. Area of the site is modest, making it suitable for P-1 zoning. The surrounding area also includes a mixture of residential and nonresidential uses, according to the staff presentation to come Monday.

The site also provides a transitional area between commercial uses on Del Prado Boulevard and residential uses to the west and has centralized utilities.

Staff recommends approval, as did the Hearing Examiner in a public hearing on Aug. 21, 2018.

The other proposal would amend the Future Land Use Map from Single-Family Residential to Multi-Family Residential for property on Southeast 46th Street.

The site is just under one acre in size, with three parcels, two of which are developed with single-family homes. The site is also within the CRA district and has bene zoned single family since 1989.

Maximum dwelling units would be 13, pending future rezone to Multi-Family Residential (R-3).

The site is within the Coastal High Hazard Area and the amendment would increase density. The applicant has not proposed sheltering, therefore, the applicant will need to provide mitigation prior to adoption of the future land use map amendment, according to staff in its pre-prepared presentation.

The site is between or near both single-family homes and commercial development. Multi-family development would provide buffer between two uses. The amendment would add additional multi-family housing stock, which is an identified need in the city, the presentation states.

Planning staff recommended approval, with the Local Planning Agency voting 5-2 for approval.

Also, in a move that was tabled from the Feb. 11 meeting, Councilmember Jessica Cosden will reboot the discussion over hiring a council office assistant. Last month, Council was undecided whether to keep two on staff, or hire a third person on a full- or part- time basis.

The city council is also expected to fill two vacancies on the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee, and three vacancies and two alternate positions on the Planning & Zoning Commission.

The regular meeting will begin at 4:30 p.m. at City Hall.