Offshore Rodeo Fishing Tournament seeks anglers
One of Southwest Florida’s most anticipated fishing events is still 10 weeks away, but Ronald McDonald House Charities has been hard at work for months putting together the details of its 5th annual Offshore Rodeo Fishing Tournament.
“Our goal is to raise $100,000 this year,” said Ronald McDonald House Charities marketing director Shannon Starr. “The tournament has raised around $250,000 over the first four years.”
Activities begin on Friday, June 9, with the captains’ meeting at 7 p.m. at Bootleggers Waterfront Grill, 2200 Main Street, Fort Myers Beach. Registration and tournament rules will be discussed followed by dinner.
Anglers will be served a McDonald’s breakfast at the Salty Sam’s Marina dock from 4 a.m. on Saturday, June 10, before the boats launch at 6 a.m.
Boats return to the docks to start weighing fish at 4 p.m., but weigh-ins conclude at 6 p.m. Awards are handed out that night at the dinner and Reggae Party at Bootleggers.
Anglers can target any or all of 10 species in this tournament – African pompano, cobia, dolphin, grouper (gag, goliath and warsaw excluded), hogfish, kingfish, snapper (American red snapper excluded), triple tail, tuna and wahoo.
“It depends on what species are in season at the time,” said Starr.
Anglers can weigh the four biggest fish per boat, but no more than two of any species.
And what about the fish? Well, these anglers literally fished for their dinner. “The chefs at Bootleggers will fillet all the fish and cook them for that night’s all-you-can-eat dinner,” said Starr. “That’s as fresh as you can get it. The dinner is just $25 for those (family members and guests) that did not compete.”
There is live entertainment at the Reggae Party along with raffles and a silent auction with dozens of nifty items from fishing rods to Yeti coolers, restaurant and hotel gift cards, gift baskets and art items.
Angler registration is $250 per person with the size of the boat the only limit on how many can fish. Anglers can register online at or at the captains’ meeting.
Anglers on boats under 500 hp are placed in the amateur division, those on boats over 500 hp are placed in the pro division. Cash prizes in the pro division are $6,000 for first, $3,000 for second and $1,500 for third. Amateur division prizes are $4,000, $2,000 and $1,000.
“We would love to see a team take home the $100,000 mystery fish prize this year,” said event chair Jeff Miloff.
The mystery fish species and weight are secretly determined by an outside third party and delivered to the dock in an envelope opened at the weigh-in. Any angler catching that species and that exact weight, down to the ounce, wins the prize. No angler has taken home that prize in the first four years of the tournament.
While the anglers are out fishing, the first 100 kids 12 and under can participate in a fishing tournament 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Registration is $25 per child and each receives a new rod and lunch with Ronald McDonald. Kids also can visit a variety of learn-to-fish stations to improve their skills and knowledge of fishing.
Tournament proceeds benefit Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southwest Florida youth programs through Ronald McDonald Care Mobile Program, Scholars Program, grants to children’s programs and the Ronald McDonald Family Room that is set to open in May.
Since 1996, more than 3,000 families in Lee, Hendry, Charlotte, Collier and Glades counties, other states and countries have found a “home away from home” locally while their children undergo enhanced medical treatment at Golisano Children’s Hospital.
For more information call 239-437-0202.