Limited number of tickets remain for ‘Hairspray’ Theater Night event
Mayor’s Scholarship board member Steve Riggs is confident the organization’s theater night fundraiser will be sold out, judging from the number of unsold tickets left just seven days before the March 23 performance of the Broadway hit musical “Hairspray” at Cultural Park Theater.
“I’m looking forward to it being sold out, it looks real good as we push ticket sales on our Facebook page as we come down to the end,” said Riggs.
The night begins with cocktails at 5:15 p.m. in the Art League building next door. Dinner is served at 5:30 followed by theater seating at 6:45 with the “Hairspray” production slated for 7 p.m.
Tickets are $30 each and includes the dinner, the play, drinks and the raffle. Tickets are available on the Mayor’s Scholarship Fund’s Facebook page, by calling Tom McNulty 239-540-3445 or from any Scholarship Fund board member.
“We are quite close to selling out,” confirmed ticket coordinator Tom McNulty. “We are very pleased with the response, and I will deliver the few remaining tickets if they are local.”
“We are so excited,” said event co-chair Lenora Marshall. “A lot of food at the Art League building then we go over to the theater for ‘Hairspray’ at 7.”
The dinner, catered by local restaurants, will be served by high school student volunteers. Guests have a chance to bid on an assortment of auction and raffle prizes donated by area businesses.
“There is something for everyone and just a few tickets are left,” said Marshall. “We are so thankful for everyone helping the wonderful, amazing students of Cape Coral. We’d like to raise enough to add one more scholarship.”
Prizes include 19 different ticket packages to Boston Red Sox and Minnesota Twins Spring Training games provided by the Lee County Sports Authority; a stay at the Westin Resort; Norman Love Chocolate items; tickets to Barbara B. Mann, Broadway Palm Dinner Theater and Gulf Coast Symphony; foursomes at Palmetto Pine Country Club and Coral Oaks Golf Club; an array of restaurant gift cards; jewelry from Diamonds by Diane and much more.
“Theater night is an important event for us,” said Riggs. “It is a major source of funds. It’s a major community participatory event for Cape Coral students, but it also is a great collective effort throughout Lee County.”
Over the past 34 years, the Mayor’s Scholarship Fund has distributed nearly $700,000 in scholarships. Last year, the fund awarded a record 27 high school graduates with $1,500 scholarships. They are given out at the annual awards banquet at Palmetto Pines Country Club, to be held on April 27 this year.
The “Hairspray” performance is the first for theater night. The musical features 1960s-style dance music, rhythm and blues. “Hairspray” made more than 2,500 performances on Broadway from August 2002 until it closed in January 2009.
Besides fundraisers, the Scholarship Fund receives donations from corporate and private benefactors and at the awards banquet. Any Cape Coral resident high school senior can apply for a scholarship to continue their education at an accredited vocational institute, trade school, two- or four-year college or university. The deadline for applying for a 2017 scholarship was Feb. 10.
For more information about applying next year visit