
Higginson introduced as new UEP manager

2 min read

City Manager John Szerlag introduced Kevin Higginson to council members Monday as the city’s new Utilities Extension Project manager.

Higginson has been on the job for one week filling the vacancy created when former UEP manager Paul Clinghan was promoted to Public Works Director upon Steve Neff’s retirement late last year.

Higginson, who grew up in Southwest Florida, has done consulting work with Cape Coral in the past and has been an engineer for 30-plus years.

“This is a great opportunity for me with Paul moving up to Public Works,” said Higginson. “I have a passion to help move the utilities expansion forward. I bring experience with utilities, design and construction and permitting.”

The introduction came after Utilities Department Manager Jeff Pearson presented the annual utilities report. That report analyzed the state of the city’s wastewater, potable water and irrigation systems’ ability to meet future service demands, financial health, future revenue estimates and overall operational efficiency.

Pearson said the report shows the facilities, operations and management are adequately positioned to meet the forecast demands of continued growth. He said the systems are found to be well maintained and operated in an efficient manner and at a reasonable cost. The city also is enforcing the collection of fees, rentals and other charges.