
Charter schools superintendent to resign

2 min read

The Cape Coral Charter School Authority has called an emergency meeting for one day next week after Superintendent Nelson Stephenson’s notification of his intention to resign from the city-operated system effective June 30.

“He emailed all board members (Monday),” City Council member and Authority Board chair Jessica Cosden said. “We have not set a date for the meeting as yet.”

Cosden broke the news to City Council at the end of Monday’s special workshop meeting at City Hall, adding the intent of the emergency meeting is to decide on the board’s next step to finding a replacement.

As of Tuesday morning, Stephenson had not returned phone messages for confirmation or comment.

“I am perplexed,” City Council member Richard Leon said at the Monday night meeting. “Though I am not totally surprised, given the way he has been pounded recently by certain members of this council. I think it is the best decision for him and his family.

“At the Charter School Rally on Sunday I could see the huge support this community has for the charter school system. It’s disappointing,” Leon added.

Cosden said Stephenson had not yet signed the new two-year contract unanimously approved by the Authority on Feb. 14 that would have kept him on as leader of the system’s four schools through June 2019.

The school governing board preferred a two-year contract instead of a three-year deal to provide consistency going forward.

He would have received a salary increase to $125,000 annually in the new contract with two evaluations each year during the contract period. Benefits remained the same as those provided other city employees, to include dental and vision coverage. The contract also allotted a cell phone stipend of $80 per month.