Cape Police to hold event Saturday
The Cape Coral Police Department will host an Open House this weekend for the public.
The event will take place on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at police headquarters. The first formal open house in years, it will feature tours of the station, demonstrations and recruiting information.
Cpl. Phil Mullen, a spokesman for the CCPD, explained that it goes hand-in-hand with the town hall meetings and face-to-face events Police Chief Dave Newlan has spearheaded to connect with residents.
“It’s part of the chief’s community engagement program that he’s trying to start up,” he said.
“We also want people to see their police department, see the inside of the station,” Mullen added.
Tours will be held every 30 minutes, offering a first-hand look at the CCPD’s inner workings.
“They’ll get a tour of the booking area, cells and sally port,” he said.
Visitors will take a peek at Newlan’s office and possibly other administrative offices.
“Forensics will be doing a demonstration on the third floor,” Mullen said.
People will also get to check out the K-9 Unit.
“Their actual kennel isn’t much to see, but they’re going to do a demonstration by it,” he said.
Outside, the CCPD will have equipment and vehicles on display.
“The Motor Unit’s going to be there, so the motorcycles,” Mullen said.
“At least one of the boats will be there and possibly one of the Jet Skis,” he added.
The SWAT Team’s Bearcat, the Mobile Command Center and patrol cars will also be on site.
“For the kids to jump in and check out,” Mullen said.
The CCPD is aiming for groups of 10 for each station tour.
“It kinds of depends on how many people we can get,” he said.
Newlan and members of the command staff will be on hand to answer questions.
“They’ll be able to ask plenty of questions,” Mullen said.
In addition, recruiters will be on site to talk about career opportunities at the department.
“We’ll have the personnel and training division there, the Professional Standards Bureau,” he said.
“We’re looking for people both for sworn (police officer) and civilian positions,” Mullen added.
Families can get information about the CCPD’s Police Explorer Program.
There will also be a children’s fingerprinting station set up.
“It’s the first one, so we’re not really sure what to expect,” he said of the open house.
Mullen noted that the feedback for it has been positive on social media.
“As far as a goal, as many as we can get,” he said of the turnout.
Firearms, knives, pepper spray, lighters or other weapons will not be permitted.
“You can’t bring any weapons,” Mullen said.
For more information about the Cape Coral Police Department’s Open House, visit online at: or visit the CCPD on Facebook at “Cape Coral Police Department.”
The Cape Coral Police Department is at 1100 Cultural Park Blvd.