Boat-A-Long, Movie in the Park
Boats adorned with holiday lights and festive decorations will take to the water on Saturday as Cape Coral marks the season with its 40th annual celebration.
Hosted by the city, the Holiday Boat-A-Long will be held from 4 to 10 p.m. at Four Freedoms Park. It will feature live entertainment, a visit from Santa and the boat parade, as well as a Movie in the Park.
“The city is proud to put on such an amazing holiday tradition,” Todd King, the special events coordinator for the city’s Parks and Recreation Department, said.
He added that Santa calls the city every year and insists that it put on the event.
“When something is part of your community for 40 years – and Santa makes that phone call – we have to do it,” King said.
The celebration will kick off at 4 p.m., with local community performances.
The Robin Dawn Academy of Performing Arts, the Hot Flashz, the Gulf Middle School Choir and the Ovation Singers, a local high school show choir, will perform on the Storm Smart holiday stage.
At approximately 6 p.m., attendees can expect a visit from St. Nick himself.
“Kids can visit with Santa,” King said.
“We recommend parents be ready,” he added.
Children can work on holiday crafts inside of the Achieva Credit Union holiday tent.
“They make various ornaments and things for mom and dad,” King said.
At approximately 7 or 7:30 p.m., the decorated boats will begin the parade within the Bimini Basin, before heading out along the route. Every year, 100-plus vessels take part in the annual tradition.
“Its first pass is by Four Freedoms Park, then the parade route itself meanders through a variety of different canals in the southeast Cape,” he said.
King explained that some of the boats register for the event, while some just show up.
After the parade, the city will host the Movie in the Park, “A Christmas Story.”
“We just rotate different Christmas movies and this is a classic,” he said.
“We thought it would be appropriate for the event,” King added.
Attendees are welcome and encouraged to bring blankets and chairs on which to sit.
Both food and drink vendors will be on site.
“It is recommended that folks get there as early as possible,” he said.
An estimated 5,000 people attend the event each year.
Parking will be available in the lots to the west of Four Freedoms Park, near the Sunset Towers.
“That parking lot will not be free this year,” King said, noting that the owner may charge.
“The city will have a free parking lot,” he added.
At Cape Coral Parkway and Southeast Eighth Court, the free lot will offer a free shuttle service.
“The parking is a little different,” King said.
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Four Freedoms Park is at 4818 Tarpon Court.