Lee County General Election recap
With the exception of one major upset, Lee County voters leaned close to the status quo in Tuesday’s General Election.
Lee County businessman Tommy Doyle ousted incumbent Sharon Harrington in the non-partisan runoff for Supervisor of Elections.
Doyle received 53.92 percent of the vote to Harrington’s 46.08 percent.
Other county race results include:
Lee County Sheriff
Incumbent Mike Scott, Republican, easily staved off a challenge by James Didio, who ran with no party affiliation. Scott received 74.88 percent of the vote to Didio’s 25.12 percent.
Board of County Commissioners District 3
Incumbent Larry Kiker received 96.22 percent of the vote over a write-in challenger who received 3.78 percent.
* Board of County Commissioners District 5
Incumbent Frank Mann, Republican, easily overcame a double challenge by Diane Zigrossi, Democrat, and Sonny Haas, no party affiliation. Mann received 61.95 percent of the vote; Zigrossi, 31.74 and Hass, 6.31 percent.
School Board Member District 6
Jane Kuckel beat Don Armstrong in the non-partisan runoff for the newly created District 6 seat. Kuckel received 52.42 percent of the vote to Armstrong’s 47.58 percent
School Board Member District 7
Cathleen Morgan beat Chris Quackenbush in the non-partisan runoff for the newly created District 7 seat. Morgan received 63.41 percent of the vote to Quackenbush’s 36.59 percent.
Kuckel and Armstrong each held school board seats previously, Morgan currently serves as the District 3 representative. In the last election, voters approved a restructuring of Lee County’s School Board, expanding the board from five to seven members with five to be elected within their respective districts and two to be elected at large.
Voters overwhelmingly approved the non-binding Conservation 20/20 referendum. The vote was 83.68 in favor, 16.32 opposed.