
Trunk or Treat fun fest also a food drive

3 min read

Families can have a haunted fun time this weekend for free, while supporting a great cause.

The Cape Coral Masonic Lodge 367 will host its third annual Trunk or Treat food drive on Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m. at the lodge. The event will feature trick-or-treating for children in a safe environment, a haunted walk, costume parade and contest, car show, activities and games. Free admission for all.

“We try to do as much charitable givebacks to the community as possible,” Worshipful Master Shawn Lane said of organizing the event. “It is basically a safe place for kids to come and have fun.”

Donations of canned and non-perishable food items are welcome and encouraged.

“Last year, we collected just over 700 pounds of food for the Cape Coral Caring Center,” he said.

“It would be great to match it, but we would love to double last year’s number,” Lane added.

Organizers estimated that between 800 and 1,200 children took part in 2015.

“The kids can come and walk around from car to car and trick-or-treat,” he said.

Classic vehicles, race cars and more will hand out the free candy.

The vehicles that show up decorated will be entered into a contest for the Best Decorated Vehicle.

“It’s the Kids’ Choice Award,” Lane said. “The kids will actually vote.”

The winner will take home a plaque.

Starting at 3 p.m., the haunted walk will kick off. Winding its way through the lodge and some of its rooms, the walk will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Boy Scout Troop 4 created one section.

“It’s a pretty long walk,” he said. “Everything is indoors.”

“It’s a little scary this year,” Lane added.

There will be a costume parade for the children, followed by a costume contest.

“We’ll give awards out to the best Halloween costumes,” he said.

The first, second and third place winners will win medals.

The event will feature kid-friendly games and activities, like a dunk tank and face painting.

“There’s a photo booth, and there’ll be temporary henna tattoos for some of the older kids that want them,” Lane said. “Everything is free.”

There will also be s’mores and snacks, as well as food and drinks for purchase.

Organizers encouraged families to stop by.

“We’re growing every year,” he said.

For more information about the event, email or visit online at: People can also call Lane at 215-805-2873.

The Cape Coral Masonic Lodge 367 is at 244 Santa Barbara Blvd.