Economic crimes focus of CCPD town hall workshop
Cape Coral residents can learn about economic crimes tonight at a community event.
The Cape Coral Police Department and Police Chief Dave Newlan will host a town hall workshop today from 6:30-8 p.m. in the gymnasium at Oasis Charter High School. The public is invited.
The chief and command staff will be on hand, along with the Economic Crimes Unit.
“This specific workshop is going to be based on economic crimes,” Cpl. Phil Mullen said.
He explained that the crimes are a constant threat to residents.
“It’s an ongoing issue all the time, year-round,” he said.
“But, it especially blows up around the holidays and tax time,” Mullen added.
At the workshop, detectives will be set up at three separate tables.
“Three different roundtable discussions with each of the detectives,” he said.
One will cover the Internet and email scams, and another will talk about telephone-related scams.
“Like the IRS calls and the lottery winner kind of stuff,” Mullen said.
The last discussion will highlight credit card scams.
“And the skimmers at gas pumps and places like that,” he said.
Residents are encouraged to come out and participate.
Mullen pointed out that the goal is to inform residents so they do not fall prey.
“There’s a lot people can do to prevent being a victim if they have the information,” he said.
Organizers are hoping for a good crowd.
An estimated 30 residents attended the last town hall workshop held in June.
“These (crimes) can not only steal your money right at the time, your identity and more could be at risk,” Mullen said. “These types of crimes can have repercussions.”
A question-and-answer session will be held at the end.
“The chief will be there, so he’ll be able to answer questions, too,” he said.
For additional information, contact the CCPD’s Public Affairs Office at 239-242-3341 or visit: or on Facebook at:
Oasis Charter High School is at 3519 Oasis Blvd.