
CCCIA Poker tourney set for July 15

3 min read

Registrations are being accepted for the local construction industry’s annual poker tourney.

Presented by Ron Schmitt Construction/ARS Roofing Service, the Cape Coral Construction Industry Association’s Hard Hat Hold’em Poker Tournament will be held next Friday at the Cape Cabaret, with the shuffle and deal to start at 7 p.m. Day-of registration opens at 5:30 p.m., followed by dinner at 6 p.m.

“This is one of the special events that we do that helps support the CCCIA and what we do,” Bill Johnson Jr., the association’s executive director, said. “It is a fundraiser to keep us doing what we do.”

The CCCIA is a non-profit that advocates on behalf of the construction industry in the Cape.

Johnson described the upcoming fundraiser as a “deep-stacked tournament.” All the players start with $10,000 in chips. He noted that those who register before Tuesday receive an extra $1,000 in chips.

“We do offer a bonus for early registration,” Johnson said.

The tourney will run in the traditional Texas Hold’em poker-style of play.

“We go until we have one person left,” he said.

The event typically runs until about 10:30 or 11 p.m.

“There’s one winner,” Johnson said.

The winner will take home the grand prize of $1,500.

“They also keep track of the highest hand at each one of the tables,” he said.

The winner of the highest hand will win $100.

Various 50/50s and other raffles are also planned for the night.

“We kind of want to make it an evening for couples,” Johnson said.

There will be live entertainment, which is being provided by Cape Cabaret.

“So as the players go out of the tournament, there’s still something for them to do,” he said.

There will also be blackjack available for attendees to play.

“It’s basically for fun,” Johnson said.

Last year, the tournament capped out at approximately 110 players.

“We raised about $10,000,” he said.

As of Thursday, an estimated 60 players had signed up.

“There still is time for people to come out and register,” Johnson said.

Cost is $85 for players or $30 for spectators and includes admission, dinner and a drink ticket.

Those interested in registering in advance can contact the CCCIA at 239-772-0027.

“We can do everything right over the phone,” he said.

Johnson encouraged the public to sign up.

“It’s going to be a great night at a great venue,” he said.

For more information, call the CCCIA or visit online at:

Cape Cabaret is at 4725 Vincennes Blvd.

The Cape Coral Construction Industry Association is at 611 S.E. 11th St., Suite A.