New cardiac rehab facility opens Monday at Cape Hospital
Patients in need of outpatient cardiac rehabilitation at Cape Coral Hospital will undergo treatment at new, expanded facility with all new equipment beginning Monday.
With approximately 4,000 square feet of reallocated space, the cardiac rehab center is now located adjacent to the Women & Children’s Center, and is easily accessible from nearby parking.
“The newly renovated space is designed to create an exceptional experience and optimal healing environment for patients and families with lots of natural light, inviting colors, 120-foot track, men’s and ladies’ locker rooms, reflection room, consult rooms, and all new equipment,” said Sandy Childress, System Director of Cardiac Rehabilitation for Lee Memorial Health System, in a prepared statement. “We are so excited to have this beautiful environment, and even more thrilled to double our capacity for outpatient cardiac rehab.”
Previously, the cardiac rehab program shared a facility and equipment, including eight monitors, with pulmonary rehab, in the same building.
The new space is currently equipped with 12 monitors, and can be expanded to 16. In addition, all new treadmills, a variety of bicycles, elliptical machines, rowing machines, cross-trainer equipment and hand weights are available. A fully-integrated AV system provides music during exercise sessions and supports education and mindfulness/relaxation needs.
The new cardiac rehabilitation facility has been named in honor of The Gunterberg Charitable Foundation/Culliton Family.
“We are very appreciative of their support and generosity,” said Scott Kashman, Cape Coral Hospital’s chief administrative officer in the statement.
Cardiac rehabilitation is geared toward improving quality of life and reducing the risk associated with heart problems.
It is designed specifically for people who have had recent heart problems such as angina, heart attack, angioplasty and open-heart surgery.
A physician referral is required for entry into the program, which is usually 12 weeks (or 36 visits). Maintenance programs are also available after the prescribed program is completed, focusing on independence while helping the patient to maintain a heart-healthy lifestyle.
“Cardiac rehab is not just about exercise,” Childress said. “It’s a comprehensive program that helps patients with cardiac problems to build a healthier future. Education is vital to help individuals learn how to lower their risks for future heart problems.”
Counseling and education can help patients quit smoking, eat healthier, lose weight, and lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Cape Coral Hospital is at 636 Del Prado Blvd.
The new cardiac rehab facility will be open 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
For more information, call 239-424-2396 or
– Source:?Lee Memorial?Health System