
Why Gary Aubuchon is the Right Choice

2 min read

To the editor:

In my class yearbook in 1978, most people wrote things like “hope to see ya over the summer.” Gary Aubuchon, at 16 years old, wrote this “You have a good head Kathy, and with your abilities you’ll go far.” His leadership skills were emerging even then. He was a good student, started working at a young age, and got involved in every activity he could squeeze into a day. He not only held a core belief in the American way that he could do anything if he put his mind to it, but he encouraged everyone else to believe in it too.

Gary headed south after college with nothing but a work ethic, strength of character, and confidence in himself which I have encountered in few people in my lifetime. He has since built a successful business in SWFL and navigated it through tough times in one of the hardest-hit industries by utilizing smart, conservative business practices.

I know Gary still profoundly believes in the American way, and his sole reason for running for office is the opportunity to preserve and defend it at a time when some are questioning it. Combine that with his proven experience as a businessman, SWFL community leader, and State Legislator, and that is why I believe he is not only the Right Choice, but the Right Choice for the Right Reasons. I would be honored to have him representing all of us as a United States Congressman. Please vote for Gary Aubuchon in the District 19 primary on Aug. 14.

Kathy Bartley

Cape Coral